What is the most valuable Bored Ape?
I'm curious about Bored APE NFTs and want to know which one is considered the most valuable or pricey among all the Bored Apes available.

Do people still buy Bored Ape?
I'm wondering if Bored APE is still popular in the market. Are people still interested in purchasing it or has the demand dropped? I want to know if it's still a relevant item to consider buying.

Why is Bored Ape so popular?
Bored APE has gained immense popularity. I'm curious to understand the reasons behind its widespread appeal. What makes this particular ape stand out from the rest?

How much value did Bored Ape lose?
I'm wondering about the financial impact on Bored Ape. Specifically, I want to know how much value Bored APE has lost recently.

What Bored Ape sold the most?
I'm curious about Bored APE sales. Specifically, I want to know which Bored Ape has sold the most. Is there a particular one that stands out in terms of popularity and sales volume?